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Israeli NGO “Heroes for Life” Completes Two-Week Volunteer Mission in Kathmandu Schools

  • Educast Nepal
  • September 26, 2024 Published on: 3 Day Ago
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    EDUCAST, A delegation of 38 volunteers from the Israeli NGO Heroes for Life successfully completed a two-week mission in five schools across the Kathmandu Valley from September 13 to 26, 2024. The volunteers focused on improving the educational environment and infrastructure through school renovation projects, enhancing learning conditions for local students.

    Since 2017, Heroes for Life has been sending volunteers to Nepal, with new groups returning to the same schools each year. This continuity ensures that the progress made is sustained, while fresh perspectives and energy are brought in by each new team of volunteers. The organization operates in 18 countries worldwide, harnessing the commitment of Israeli soldiers who, after their military service, dedicate part of their travels to giving back to communities.

    This initiative not only furthers educational development but also strengthens the people-to-people ties between Nepal and Israel. It highlights the enduring friendship between the two nations, showcased through the consistent efforts of Heroes for Life.

    On September 23, a special reception was held at the Israeli Ambassador’s residence in Kathmandu, honoring the volunteers’ contributions. Ambassador Hanan Goder expressed pride in the volunteers’ openhearted dedication and acknowledged the collaboration between the schools and other organizations involved. The reception was a testament to the collective efforts in ensuring the success of this meaningful initiative.

    Through Heroes for Life, the connection between Israelis and Nepalis continues to grow, leaving a lasting impact on local communities while fostering enduring bonds.

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