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ASA is an effective employer focus educational place

  • Educast Nepal
  • July 24, 2023 Published on: १ Year Ago
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    EDUCAST, Jupiter Media is representing an independent Nepal Based Production Company with the slogan “Awareness for Change”. It is offering wide-range of compelling content using modern approach that gratifies the global audience. Jupiter Media performs unique work in educational field perfectly applying modern technical tools with joint efforts of its clints and circumstances. It conducts many research works on national and international educational institutions to provide reliable and valid information for the students planning their further study. Jupiter Media never compromises necessary field study for its research work which is beneficial to students. During its field study, the Destination Australia team of Jupiter Media recently visited Australian School of Accounting to observe and document the institute’s infrastructure and educational environment.

    Australian School of Accounting (ASA) is located in Elizabeth Street, Sydney. It was a quality-focused higher education provider approved by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) which changed from a Higher Education Provider to an Institute of Higher Education on 1st July 2021. It provides an industry-focused accounting education by addressing the perceived weaknesses of traditional accounting education.

    ASA focuses on quality and excellence in teaching and learning as part of an aligned industry-relevant approach. Through a differentiated and personalized approach, ASA will prepare the accounting and finance professionals of the future with the passion, demonstrated capabilities, and transferable skills to continue lifelong learning. The founders of the Australian School of Accounting (ASA) have been actively involved in professional accounting education and training for many years. Over that time, they have seen a downward trend in the quality of accounting educational standards. That is why prepared to provide innovative, industry and future-focused courses so that ASA graduates are ready to step into leadership roles in a challenging, technologically advanced, and disruptive business world.

    ASA is popular as the highest standards in student care and equity and an effective employer focus educational place. ASA offers courses like Bachelor of Professional Accounting (BPA), Bachelor of Business Technology Management (BBTM), Associate degree in Business and Technology, and Diploma of Business and Technology.

    Prof.Venkatesh Mahadevan, Academic Dean of ASA explained well the courses offered by ASA with structures and objectives. He suggested three P’s i.e. passion, professionalism, and personality for a successful accountant.

    Simon Chaplin Associate Dean (Professional Services) of ASA introduced the activities of the institute. He liked the hardworking and lovely nature of Nepali and welcomed Nepali students at ASA.

    Dr.Jaya Kundnani, Lecturer/Academic Coordinator is coordinating overall basic support essential for the study of students at ASA. She said that the attendance and academic progress of students followed well at ASA. She suggested to the related students to keep their studies as their first priority.

    Dr.Kanwal Javed, Course Coordinator of ASA has her job responsibility as organize, plan and fulfilling other academic requirements. She said that all the teaching and non-teaching staff of ASA are qualified, supportive, and experienced.

    Yogesh Paudel learning a Bachelor of Professional Accounting at ASA did not face any problems since he got all necessary supports during his study . Paudel explained how he is conducting his future career in Australia.  Surottam Dahal is studying at ASA for a Bachelor of Professional Accounting. He found a different educational environment at ASA where the problems of students solve quickly. Dahal also explained the supportive nature, extra activities, and teaching methods at ASA. He gave sufficient advice to students tending to study in Australia.  Spyridoula Dimou another student of ASA expressed her pleasure to be with us and discussed her experience at ASA. She said that ASA is the best school to study accountancy because each staff is kind, helpful, friendly, and really cares about students’ concerns and the problems they might face. She highly recommended the ASA for a brighter future.

    This field study report of Jupiter Media concludes ASA is an excellent institute to study accountancy and it will prepare the accounting and finance professionals of the future with effective an performance.

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